Recommandations from various sources

Coronavirus logoWe list in this article, as well as in other articles listed below, various contributions related to fundraising advice in times of coronavirus.

09/03/2020 - CLAIRification - 'How Nonprofits Can Connect Virtually During Trying Times'

Why not invite your supporters for some online gatherings?
Beef up your virtual meeting facilitation skills!
Remember to follow through so your meeting has meaning and meets its purpose.
My best advice: be there for your supporters today, they’ll be there for you tomorrow.

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12/03/2020 - Institute of Fundraising - 'Love for fundraisers in a time of coronavirus'
(Howard Lake)

1. Look after yourself and those who give you strength
2. Be ready for a huge amount of fundraising
3. People always want to give
4. Learn from and record this experience
5. Your digital presence is your presence
6. Avoid distraction
7. Collaborate and survive
8. Read, watch and study to become a better fundraiser

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12/03/2020  sgEngage - 'Tips for Communicating with Donors During Uncertain Times'
(Bo Crader)

Focus on Your Mission 
Focus on the Basics
Focus on Communicating with Donors: show empathy, continue to ask for gifts, don’t be sensational or exploitative, try something different, cultivate high-value supporters

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12/03/2020 - Network for Good - 'Coronavirus Impacting Your Nonprofit? Here’s What to Do'

A few ideas that can help your fundraising stay on track: virtual events, dinner with a twist, virtual auction, flash fundraiser, sharable content, appreciate more often.

Successful fundraising during a recession is two-pronged:
1 - focus hard on donor engagement and retention,
2 - use intelligent prospecting techniques to recruit new followers and supporters.

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13/03/2020 - 'Vrijdag de 13e: het coronavirus en fondsenwerving'
(Reinier Spruyt)

13 tips, waaronder:
Zou je die (oudere) donateurs niet eens opbellen?
Coronavirus: Misschien een goede aanleiding om je beleid te herzien?
Wellicht kan een zorgprofessional je volgende appeal ondertekenen?
Leg niet opeens je hele fondsenwerving programma stil. 

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