Revue de presse 'RGPD & secteur associatif'

'GDPR in de not-for-profit sector'


Legitimate interest and ePrivacy: non-profit GDPR advice

Beyond consent, Blackbaud’s new eBook of non-profit GDPR advice explains the six legal bases that organisations can use to process personal data.
Source: Charity Digital News (08/05/2018)

Why GDPR is good for charities

'Realistically, many charities' fundraising attemps in the last couple of years have been unethical, in terms of practices like putting targets on fundraising, cold calling, spamming and profiling data that theyv’e brought in through lists, where individuals haven’t realised that they gave away their data in the first place. And while that might work in terms of getting the money in, charities, like all organisations, should have a wider view of what they’re trying to achieve – part of that involves maintaining a positive relationship with the supporters they cherish so much.'
Source: Charity Digital News (17/05/2018)

GDPR is the wake-up call the sector needs

Matt Collins: ‘For far too long, charities have overseen bloated email lists and databases chock full of people with tenuous, outdated or completely unknown connections to their charities.
That’s thousands of people’s personal data just sitting on spreadsheets and gathering dust in a digital corner.
GDPR will slash the size of those lists massively, and that’s going to have a hugely positive impact on fundraising.’
Source: Third Sector  (15/05/2018)

United Kingdom - Charities reported 152 data security incidents in the year to March 2018

Charities reported 152 data security incidents to the Information Commissioner’s Office in the year to March 2018, with over a third being reported in the first three months of this year, according to the latest update from the data regulator.
This is in line with other sectors, which have also seen rises.
Source: Civil Society (24/05/2018)

Bisnode - RGPD: notre engagement

Obtenir des sources de données optimales est essentiel pour créer des solutions marketing axées sur les données. Comment faire en sorte qu’elle soient totalement en ligne avec le RGPD ?
Découvrez ce que nous avons accompli pour être conformes à la RGPD et laissez-vous inspirer par nos articles sur le sujet.
Lire : 'Notre engagement - Episodes 1 à 9'

Bisnode: dit doen wij op het vlak van de GDPR

Wij hebben onze voorbereidingen getroffen. Behoeften op het vlak van beveiliging en privacy moeten ernstig worden genomen. Bisnode gaat tot het uiterste om uw privacy te beschermen en u te helpen uw rechten uit te oefenen. Wij bewaren de gegevens voor een minimum aan doeleinden en beperken de toegang tot deze gegevens uitsluitend tot de personen die ze nodig hebben. GDPR zit in ons DNA.
Lees: 'Onze verbintenis: afleveringen 1 tot 9'