United Nations flag fundraising

Press review 2023 : 350 articles
All of them are available on-line

(press review 2024 through this link)


1 - November-December 2023

Swiss Fundraising
- tous les articles d'actualité (link)
- Changements des normes Zewo dès le 1er janvier 2024 (link)
- Le rapport sur les dons 2023 est paru (link)
- Publication du Supplément des dons 2023 inclus le 26 novembre dans la NZZ am Sonntag, la SonntagsZeitung et, pour la troisième fois, dans Le Matin Dimanche.
  Le magazine au format journal informe les donateurs et donatrices dans 20 pages (link)

CBF - Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving (Nederland)
(n°A1) Ondanks beleggingsdip: goededoelensector blijft financieel gezond (link)
(n°A2) Televisiecampagne CBF december 2023 (link)
(n°A3) GivingTuesday: een dag om goed te doen (link)
(n°A4) Hoe financieel gezond zijn Erkende doelen? (link)
(n°A5) CBF lanceert nieuwe Erkenning voor donatieplatforms (link)
(n°A6) Cees Toor: "De CBF-Erkenning is steeds belangrijker voor grote gevers en partners" (link)
(n°A7) CBF blij met nieuwe sector standaard voor banken (link)
(n°A8) Effectief altruïsme: een fenomeen in opkomst? (link)
(n°A9) CBF en Radboud Universiteit introduceren de Goede Doelen Index (link)
(n°A10) Toezicht op goede doelen: zelfregulering op zijn sterkst (link)
(n°11) Effectieve altruïsten, verlies systemische verandering op de lange termijn niet uit het oog (link)

CAF - Charities Aid Foundation
(n°A15) What do the UK Giving report findings mean for charity fundraising? (link)

(n°A16) How can small charities navigate the economic landscape? (link)

(n°A17) How charities can think about sustainable investing (link)

(n°A18) Helpful tools and resources for smaller charities (link)

Civil Society
(n°A19) Over 40% of people more likely to donate to charity at Christmas, report finds (link)

(n°A20) Charities must adapt to appeal to ‘overlooked’ generations, report claims (link)

(n°A21) In-depth Which charities have secured Christmas media partnerships? (link)

(n°A22) Strike at Oxfam suspended after improved pay offer (link)

(n°A23) £50 million charity to merge with larger organisation (link)

(n°A24) In-depth - What does inverse giving mean for the charity sector? (link)

(n°A25) New project on UK grantmaking landscape to launch (link)

(n°A26) High-street banks pledge to support charities amid sector’s banking woes (link)

(n°A27) Charity sector experts launch project to develop investment principles for trustees (link)

(n°A28) Free guide urges leaders to avoid being ‘tokenistic’ in approach to lived experience (link)

(n°A29) Employers urged to do more to encourage staff to volunteer during national disasters (link)

(n°A30) Report reveals lack of ‘tangible action’ by charity sector to tackle racism (link)

(n°A31) Regulators launch campaign as almost £3m in donations lost to fraudsters last year (link)

(n°A32) List published to recommend ‘hidden gem’ charities for donors (link)

(n°A33) Probate body pledges to improve services for charities as caseloads fall (link)

(n°A34) Financial regulator told to tackle ‘passive resistance’ to philanthropy advice (link)

(n°A35) Increase in number of charities failing to access marketing opt-out requests (link)

(n°A36) Levelling up delays to ‘exacerbate’ gap between charities in richer and poorer areas (link)

(n°A37) Richest 10 charities hold 27% of sector’s wealth after assets decline (link)

(n°A38) Mark Hodgkinson ‘I was struck by how fragmented the charity sector is’ (link)

(n°A39) Complaints about door-to-door fundraising rose by 110% last year, report says (link)

(n°A40) Increasing number of people in UK donating to charity, CAF reports (link)

UK Fundraising
(n°A42) Corporate partnerships at Christmas – who’s supporting who (link)

(n°A43) Oxfam GB saw income from donations & legacies rise £5.2mn in 2022/23 (link)

(n°A44) Christmas charity appeal films for 2023: part 2 (link)

(n°A45) Financial advisors not meeting client needs due to lack of philanthropy knowledge, research finds (link)

(n°A46) Donations to homeless people reach new low, research suggests (link)

(n°A47) Crowdfunder acquires crowdfunding platform for legal fees (link)

(n°A48) FundraisingEverywhere launches Mandi Conway Fundraiser Training Fund (link)

(n°A49) More than 70% of people planning to donate over Christmas (link)

(n°A50) Percentage of British Muslims expecting to give more next year rises despite financial concerns (link)

(n°A51) New hub for UK grantmaking data & insights to launch in 2024 (link)

(n°A52) Charity People to become employee-owned (link)

(n°A53) Oxfam GB announces Halima Begum as next Chief Executive (link)

(n°A54) Regulator opens review on proposal to increase Fundraising Levy (link)

(n°A55) More than three quarters of UK workers want employers to play active role during UK disasters (link)

(n°A56) Campaign launches to encourage finance professionals to volunteer their skills (link)

(n°A57) Virgin Media O2 to roll out more free mobile data through stores & charities (link)

(n°A58) Cost of living crisis will see a quarter of people give less this Christmas, poll suggests (link)

(n°A59) Regulators share safer giving message after charities lose £2.7mn to fraudsters in past year (link)

(n°A60) Charity fraud on the up, with half conducted by people within the organisation (link)

(n°A61) Oxfam workers set to strike In December over pay (link)

(n°A62) Alternative Black Friday round up – 2023 (link)

(n°A63) Study reveals local authority regions & counties where most Zakat donated (link)

(n°A64) Christmas charity appeal films for 2023: part 1 (link)

(n°A65) Free advertising campaigns for environmental causes (link)

(n°A66) UK financial sector failing to meet growing demand for philanthropy services (link)

(n°A67) BBC Children in Need raises £33,513,325 (link)

(n°A68) 2024 Charity Fraud Awareness Week to include one-day conference on protecting your charity (link)

(n°A69) New award category & bigger prize fund for 2024 Charity Governance Awards (link)

(n°A70) Norwich most generous area of the UK for giving, says JustGiving (link)

(n°A71) 1 in 5 have already committed to a charity mass event in 2024, report suggests (link)

(n°A72) Regulator data shows ‘marked increase’ in complaints about door-to-door fundraising (link)

(n°A73) UK slips down CAF World Giving Index but is third most generous country for giving money (link)

(n°A74) Gender imbalance at top of UK charities holding sector back, report finds (link)

(n°A75) Percentage of charities attempting to improve trustee diversity drops (link)

(n°A76) Free-to-access Data Dashboard launches to help charities with their legacy strategies (link)

(n°A77) Latest Smee & Ford data shows legacy income rise to £3.9bn for England & Wales (link)

(n°A78) Another record-breaking year for legacy income, but forecast warns of short-term losses (link)

(n°A79) Applications open for free year-long leadership mentoring programme for legacy fundraisers (link)

(n°A80) Free help available with unresolved banking complaints for charity sector businesses (link)

(n°A81) Give A Little expands relationship with Stripe, plus more supplier & tech news (link)

(n°A82) Creative comms agency opens applications for winter pro bono scheme (link)

(n°A83) Charities invited to register for 2024 UK Charity Digital Benchmarks Study (link)

(n°A84) AI capacity building programme opens for social sector (link)

(n°A85) Growing divide as sector’s ongoing challenges impact smaller charities more (link)

(n°A86) Donorbox announces over $2bn processed in donations, & plans for nonprofit CRM launch (link)

(n°A87) UK retailers raised £540mn for good causes in 2022/23 (link)

(n°A88) Fundraisers & funders sought for initiative to improve funding system (link)

(n°A89) Fintech for good startup to scale up after securing £1mn in funding round (link)

(n°A90) £6.3mn funding for small specialist charities, plus other news & opportunities (link)

(n°A91) Spotlight on fundraising consultancy (link)

(n°A92) Regulator launches market inquiry into subcontractor use by fundraising agencies (link)

(n°A93) ‘First’ national convention for UK’s Muslim-led charities to take place (link)

De Dikke Blauwe (Nederland)

(n°A94 ) Voorbeeldgedrag doet donaties stijgen (link)

(n°A95 ) Zuurstof door de organisatie blazen: over de verborgen waarden van impact-denken (link)

(n°A96 ) Filantropie na de Haagse landslide: wat nu? (link)

(n°A97 ) AI-revolutie onontkoombaar: bijeenkomst voor stichtingen en instellingen (link)

(n°A98) Goed doen moet je goed doen: VU hervat leergang Besturen Filantropische Fondsen (link)

(n°A99 ) Meer ruimte voor geven vanuit bedrijven (link)

(n°A100) Gewoon geld geven is helemaal niet gewoon: Henriëtte Hulsebosch's onorthodoxe aanpak armoede (link)

(n°A101 Wie zijn de major donors van de Nederlandse cultuursector? (link)

(n°A102 ) Zijn goede doelen nog steeds onzichtbaar in Den Haag? (link)

(n°A103) Groot beursverlies 2022 bij goede doelen ondanks een strategie van voorzichtig beleggen (link)

(n°A104 ) Rijkste Nederlanders goed voor tiende Nederlandse vermogen (link)

(n°A105 ) Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds heet voortaan Cultuurfonds (link)

(n°A106 ) De relevantie van 'Steward Ownership': over een eigendomsvorm met toekomstperspectief (link)

(n°A107 ) Meer inkomsten of meer draagvlak? Nieuwe inzichten op Fundraising Congres Noordwijk (link)

(n°A108 ) 'Miljoenen voor goede doelen op het spel'. Loterijen blokkeerden gokwaarschuwing (link)

(n°A109 ) Nieuwe ‘datingsite’ koppelt goede doelen en fondsen (link)

(n°A110 ) Hoe flikt die Marc Noyons dat toch? Miljoenen voor het Nationaal Holocaust Museum (link)

(n° A111) Vijf redenen om te investeren in goed toezicht. Platform wil toezicht goede doelen professionaliseren (link)

(n°A112) Accountants komen met gepeperde facturen. Opwaartse druk toegeschreven aan diverse factoren (link)

EFA - European Fundraisers Association

(n°A113) Austrian giving exceeds expectations by climbing to €1bn mark for first time (link)

(n°A114) Inflation puts Sweden’s regular giving income lower in real-terms than in 2021 (link)

(n°A115) European Philanthropy Manifesto calls for single market for philanthropy (link)

(n°A116) Platform launches to boost cross-border fundraising & giving in Europe (link)

(n°A117) UK charity regulators urge banks to remove ‘avoidable frustrations’ for charities (link)

(n°A118) Dutch charities ‘wrong target’ for doorstep selling regulation (link)

(n°A119) Charities to get tax breaks in ‘milestone’ for Austria’s third sector (link)

(n°A120) Spanish philanthropists grow in number & seek to do more than give (link)

(n°A121) Public donations to UK charities were down £4.4bn in first year of pandemic (link)

(n°A122) ‘Pivotal moment’ for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region with huge potential for fundraising and impact (link)

(n°A123) Spanish support for charities continues to grow (link)

(n°A124) Insights on legacy giving across Europe (six articles) (link)

France Générosités

(n°A125) Actualités de France générosités et du secteur (novembre-décembre): toute l'actu (link)
(n°A126)  Retour et principaux enseignements de la conférence Innovation dans le fundraising (link)
(n°A127)  Colloque 2023 sur le don des 35-54 ans (link)

Association Française des Fundraisers

(n°A128) L’IA, une opportunité pour le fundraising en France en 2024 ? - Publi-rédactionnel Hopening (link)

(n°A129) Rémunération des métiers du fundraising :
   - Publication de la 1ère étude ! (link)
   - Questions à Luc Meuret, fondateur de YourVoice Paris (link)

(n°A130) Pourquoi et comment capter des leads pour votre association ? (link)

(n°A131) Community Fundraising : maximisez votre impact grâce au pouvoir des communautés en ligne ! (publirédactionnel par iRaiser) (link)

(n°A132) Interview d'Ambre Danquigny, cheffe de projet pour Giving Tuesday France et consultante communication pour l'AFF (link)

(n°A133) Giving Tuesday : 2 exemples de mobilisation de salariés via une collecte de dons en entreprise (link)

La Veille de l'AFF 
(n°A134) Décembre: Giving Tuesday, Twitch (streams caritatifs), podcast 'Où va l'argent' de Yesasso, mobiliser la génération Z. (The Chronicle of Philanthropy), arrondi en caisse (link)
(n°A135) Novembre: conclusions de la 16ème édition de l’Observatoire du Don en Confiance, promotion des legs en faveur des universités (, Semaine de la Finance Solidaire, Club des entreprises mécènes (soutien au canal du Midi) (link)
(n°A136) Octobre: Baromètre des générosités d'Odoxa, appel au don de la Fondation de France auprès des 500 plus grandes fortunes du pays, étude de France générosités sur les modes de paiement du don en ligne, historique de l'expansion du mécénat, débat concernant le chèque de 10 millions d’euros versé par Bernard Arnault suite à l’appel au don lancé par Les Restos du cœur (link)

Goede Doelen Nederland

(n°A137) Goede Doelen in 2022: resultaten en betrokkenheid in beeld (link)

(n°A138) Het Goede Doelen Verkiezingsdebat gemist? (link)

(n°A139) Kennisfestival 2023 groot succes (link)

(n°A140) Reactie Goede Doelen Nederland op Consumentenagenda EZK (Economische Zaken en Klimaat) (link)

Vakblad Fondsenwerving

(n°A142) Forbes: ‘Weinig ultrarijken op Forbes 400-lijst zijn écht gul’ (link)

(n°A143) Nigeriaanse filantropen schonken afgelopen vijf jaar een half miljard dollar (link)

(n°A144) Harmienke Kloeze bespreekt beleggedrag goede doelen bij BNR Nieuwsradio (link)

(n°A145) Verkiezingswinst PVV brengt zorgen voor goededoelensector (link)

(n°A146) IWITOT: Beter goed gejat dan slecht bedacht (link)

(n°A147) State of Marketing for Non-profits: innovatie belangrijk, maar nog weinig écht sterke presteerders (link)

(n°A148) Nederlandse tak GivingTuesday vindt zichzelf opnieuw uit (link)

(n°A149) ReefSystems uitgeroepen tot Goedste Doel van Nederland 2023 (link)

(n°A150) Europese Commissie neemt voorstel aan om grensverleggende filantropie makkelijker te maken (link)

 2 - April-October 2023


EFA - European Fundraisers Association

(n°A151) 04-10-2023 Charlène Petit: The New Deal of Digital, AI & the Donor Experience – & how to survive it. (lien)

(n°A152) 04-10-2023 Time for fundraisers to consider implications of ‘disintermediated’ players. (lien)

(n°A153) 04-10-2023 Fundraising Europe: Issue 81, October 2023. News from Skillshare, boosting nonprofit resilience for the future, & more. (lien)

(n°A154) 09-08-2023 Dialogue needed to stop banks shutting nonprofits’ accounts, says ECNL. (lien)

(n°A155) 09-08-2023 Philanthropy coverage in Irish media lacks impact, says study. (lien)

(n°A156) 28-06-2023 Norway’s charities to get more information on mobile donations. (lien)

(n°A157) 28-06-2023 Scottish legacy insights revealed, plus new support for small charities. (lien)

(n°A158) 28-06-2023 Fewer Swedes giving but those who do are donating more, reports show (lien)

(n°A159) 28-06-2023 EU anti-money laundering & counter-terrorism financing policy & its impact on civil society. (lien)

(n°A160) 28-06-2023 Incredible opportunity’ for Irish charities to contribute to Government’s philanthropy policy. (lien)

(n°A161) 28-06-2023 Felix Freese: Turning advertising into fundraising. (lien)

(n°A162) 17-05-2023 Fundraising Europe: Issue 78, May 2023. F2F Special Focus edition. (lien)

(n°A163) 17-05-2023 Driving standards ever higher in F2F fundraising. (lien)

(n°A164) 17-05-2023 F2F fundraising: how technology is helping nonprofits meet changing needs. (lien)

(n°A165) 17-05-2023 Stability rather than growth expected for UK legacy income. (lien)

(n°A166) 17-05-2023 ‘A channel of the future’: continued growth for SMS giving in France. (lien)

(n°A167) 05-04-2023 Jordan van Bergen: Charities must practice data minimisation. (lien)

(n°A168) 05-04-2023 Paper: Fundraisers can help donors create more value from their support. (lien)

France Générosités

(n°A169) 12-10-2023 - #6 Mécénat et contreparties – Podcast “Tout droit vers la générosité” (lien)

(n°A170) 14-09-2023 - Une rentrée sous le signe de l’urgence ! (lien)

(n°A171) 12-09-2023 - Proposition législative pour les virements instantanés en UE : impact pour les OSBL ? (lien)

(n°A172) 11-09-2023 - Matinée “Modes de paiement, une stratégie de collecte ?” – Replay disponible (lien)

(n°A173) 02-09-2023 - Quelles réductions d’impôts pour les dons ? (lien)

(n°A174) 05-08-2023 - Plafond des dons dits Coluche pour l’année 2023 (lien)

(n°A175) 10-07-2023 - 4 best cases mondiaux de campagnes d’associations (lien)

(n°A176) 31-05-2023 - 25 ans de France générosités : La parole à notre Conseil syndical ! (lien)

(n°A177) 17-05-2023 - Dossier France générosités sur le JurisAssociation du 1er mai 2023 : Une question de fond(s) ? (lien)

(n°A178) 05-05-2023 - The impact of the economic crisis on charities in the United Kingdom (lien)

(n°A179) 25-04-2023 - Table ronde sur les enjeux du don par SMS (lien)

Association Française des Fundraisers

(n°A180) 16-10-2023 - Pourquoi et comment faire appel à un centre d’appel externe pour développer sa collecte de dons auprès des entreprises ? (lien)

(n°A181) 06-10-2023 - Comment diminuer son impact écologique lors de l’utilisation de logiciels associatifs ? (lien)

(n°A182) 02-10-2023 - Où en êtes-vous du fundraising numérique ? (lien)

(n°A183) 18-09-2023 - L’état des lieux du marketing dans le milieu associatif (lien)

(n°A184) 11-09-2023 - Intelligence Artificielle et fundraising : comment s’emparer du sujet pour collecter davantage ? (lien)

(n°A185) 11-09-2023 - RGPD : les 5 actualités 2023 et bonnes pratiques pour sa collecte digitale (lien)

(n°A186) 27-07-2023 - #Out of the box : Le fundraiser vu par l’intelligence artificielle (lien)

(n°A187) 27-07-2023 - #Décryptage : L'âge con et prometteur (lien)

(n°A188) 21-06-2023 - Anne Roullier, directrice de la stratégie chez Orixa Media répond à 3 questions (lien)

Goede Doelen Nederland

(n°A189) 03-10-2023 Reactie Goede Doelen Nederland op Consumentenagenda EZK. (lien)

(n°A190) 20-09-2023 Reparatie beperking giftenaftrek voor bedrijven bemoedigend. (lien)

(n°A191) 07-09-2023 NVB-standaard voor de non-profit sector is een eerste goede stap. (lien)

(n°A192) 20-06-2023 Onderzoek naar regeldruk in de sector gepubliceerd. (lien)

(n°A193) 20-06-2023 NVB standaarden voor de-risking door banken. (lien)

(n°A194) 06-06-2023 Veel media-aandacht voor 'Mijn eenmalige gift'. (lien)

(n°A195) 15-05-2023 Introductie in de sector van goeddoen: voor iedereen die wil weten hoe het zit. (lien)

(n°A196) 21-04-2023 Handreiking Integriteitssysteem geactualiseerd en nieuw stappenplan. (lien)

(n°A197) 23-03-2023 Vinger aan de pols bij regeldruk en de-risking. (lien)

(n°A198) 23-03-2023 Goede Doelen Advies voor organisaties met groeivragen. (lien)

(n°A199) 01-03-2023 Bureau Nalatenschappen bestaat 15 jaar. (lien)

Vakblad Fondsenwerving

(n°A200) 02-10-2023 - Begrenzing periodieke giftenaftrek teruggedraaid voor bedrijven (lien)

(n°A201) 19-09-2023 - Banken beloven risicogerichtere witwascontroles (lien)

(n°A202) 05-09-2023 - Ook in Vlaanderen stijgen inkomsten uit nalatenschappen weer (lien)

(n°A203) 17-07-2023 - Philea publiceert studie naar filantropie in de Europese kunst- en cultuursector (lien)

(n°A204) 20-06-2023 - ‘Onrealistische verwachtingen zorgen voor stress onder fondsenwervers’ (lien)

(n°A205) 13-06-2023 - Amsterdam Diner 2023 in AFAS Live haalt 1,35 miljoen op voor strijd tegen hiv (lien)

(n°A206) 13-06-2023 - Terugblik seminar Actuele ontwikkelingen filantropie: ontmoeten, leren en delen (lien)

(n°A207) 25-05-2023 - ABN AMRO MeesPierson: ‘Donatiebudget Nederlander krimpt door stijgende kosten’ (lien)

(n°A208) 24-05-2023 - Rijksmuseum ontvangt particuliere megadonatie van 12,5 miljoen (lien)

(n°A209) 19-04-2023 - Eindstand Giro555 voor Oekraïne: bijna 185 miljoen euro (lien)

(n°A210) 17-04-2023 - GDN en SBF over gevolgen wijziging giftenaftrek: ‘Grote maatschappelijke schade’ (lien)

(n°A211) 11-04-2023 - NDP: Donateursvertrouwen in de lift, mede door nieuwe Giro555-actie (lien

(n°A212) 28-03-2023 - ‘Corona zette Amerikaanse rampfilantropie op zijn kop’ (lien)

(n°A213) 09-03-2023 - Vakblad fondsenwerving zoekt ‘wisdom of the crowd’: sluit je aan bij onze kennis- en ideeëngroepen (lien)

Civil Society

(n°A214) 20-10-2023 - Charity CEO steps down from trustee role as regulator continues salaries probe (lien)

(n°A215) 17-10-2023 - Captain Tom Foundation ‘to be closed down’ (lien)

(n°A216) 16-10-2023 - Number of Black charity CEOs falls to below 1%, ACEVO research finds (lien)

(n°A217) 13-10-2023 - Orlando Fraser praises ‘vast contribution’ of Muslim charities at inaugural event (lien)

(n°A218) 12-10-2023 - Regulator to probe fundraising subcontractors in first-ever market inquiry (lien)

(n°A219) 09-10-2023 - Bernard Ross: How fundraisers can feed the altruism addiction (lien)

(n°A220) 02-10-2023 - Great charity boards and committees – lessons from 23 years (lien)

(n°A221) 28-09-2023 - One in five people donate to charities being publicly criticised, report finds (lien)

(n°A222) 26-09-2023 - Most charity whistleblowing reports come from employees, finds regulator (lien)

(n°A223) 22-09-2023 - Tufail Hussain: ‘I have never seen donor fatigue in our community’ (lien)

(n°A224) 19-09-2023 - ‘We have been far too nice to white leaders’, say #CharitySoWhite campaigners (lien)

(n°A225) 11-09-2023 - Major charities launch Morocco earthquake emergency fundraising appeals (lien)

(n°A226) 11-09-2023 - Allan Freeman: The time for sharing the legacy message is now (lien)

(n°A227) 08-09-2023 - Why is emotion lacking in so many fundraising campaigns? (lien)

(n°A228) 08-09-2023 - How to use the TV to build legacy consideration (lien)

(n°A229) 08-09-2023 - Stephen Cotterill: Fundraising Code must be fit for purpose (lien)

(n°A230) 25-08-2023 - Cancer Research UK’s income rises after receiving single £44m legacy gift (lien)

(n°A231) 24-08-2023 - Over a quarter of charities using AI tools to fill talent gaps, report says (lien)

(n°A232) 07-08-2023 - Charities reviewing processes after reports that fundraisers ‘tricked’ donors (lien)

(n°A233) 07-08-2023 - Stephen Cotterill: There are too many charities and not enough fundraisers (lien)

(n°A234) 20-06-2023 - Fundraising income from top 25 charity events fell by over £5m last year (lien)

(n°A235) 08-06-2023 - What does AI mean for fundraising? (lien)

(n°236) 10-05-2023 - Door-to-door fundraising sign-ups rose by 62% in 2022, CIoF figures show (lien)

(n°237) 24-04-2023 - London Marathon donations top £35m on JustGiving this year (lien)

(n°238) 24-04-2023 Hybrid fundraising jobs increased by 900% in three years, CIoF figures show (lien)

De Dikke Blauwe

(n°A239) 11-09-2023 Vijf redenen om te investeren in goed toezicht Platform wil toezicht goede doelen professionaliseren (lien)

UK Fundraising

(n°A240) 17-10-2023 Spotlight on fundraising consultancy (lien)

(n°A241) 10-10-2023 What to consider when choosing a fundraising consultant (lien)

(n°A242) 05-10-2023 Charity launches property sector committee to help raise funds & awareness (lien)

(n°A243) 20-09-2023 #CharitySoWhite returns with new direction & apology for “many mistakes”(lien)

(n°A244) 15-09-2023 Fundraising thinktank devises typology for disintermediated giving (lien)

(n°A245) 14-09-2023 Remember A Charity Week – who’s doing what (lien)

(n°A246) 11-09-2023 UK’s in-memory giving market now valued at record level – up to £2.4bn a year (lien)

(n°A247) 11-09-2023 Charities launch emergency appeals in reponse to Moroccan earthquake (lien)

(n°A248) 11-09-2023 Fundraising Regulator launches Code consultation (lien)

(n°A249) 04-09-2023 New ICO guidance on sending bulk emails published (lien)

(n°A250) 01-09-2023 Contactless donation help & new partnerships: 3 snippets of agency & supplier news (lien)

(n°A251) 22-08-2023 Key questions for getting the most out of sites offering multiple ways of giving or fundraising (lien)

(n°A252) 21-08-2023 JustGiving to offer Generative AI for creating fundraising pages (lien)

(nA253) 07-08-2023 Just under 14% of probated estates with Wills currently charitable, Smee & Ford data shows (lien)

(n°A254) 03-08-2023 DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal passes £150mn (lien)

(n°A255) 02-08-2023 New report provides insights into childfree donors & how to engage them (lien)

(n°A256) 01-08-2023 Salesforce launches AI accelerator (lien)

(n°A257) 27-07-2023 Framework launched to promote ethical AI practices in fundraising (lien)

(n°A258) 19-07-2023 Public trust in charities remains stable, Commission research shows (lien)

(n°A259) 10-07-2023 Regulator launches survey ahead of reviewing fundraising complaints reporting (lien)

(n°A260 30-06-2023 Media criticism of charities prompts half of Gen Z to donate, data suggests (lien)

(n°A261) 23-06-2023 New initiative will help small charities better access free professional support (lien)

(n°A262) 22-06-2023 Legacy Futures announces new support for small charities (lien)

(n°A263) 21-06-2023 Top 25 mass participation charity events raised £114mn last year (lien)

 3 - January - March 2023

France Générosités

(n°A264) 08-03-2023 - 'Transfert de données personnelles vers les Etats-Unis : vers une nouvelle décision d’adéquation ? ' (lien)

Association Française des Fundraisers

(n°A265) 02-03-2023 - 'Vous cherchez des dons ? Pensez au crowdfunding... ou pas.' (lien)

(n°A266) 02-03-2023 - 'Generosity Commission : 3 questions à Asha Curran' (lien)

Vakblad Fondsenwerving

(n°A267) 14-03-2023 - 'Nationale Keuzestress Monitor: ‘Een op zes donateurs stopt of geeft minder aan goede doelen’' (lien)

(n°A268) 09-03-2023 - 'Vakblad fondsenwerving zoekt ‘wisdom of the crowd’: sluit je aan bij onze kennis- en ideeëngroepen' (lien)

(n°A269) 07-03-2023 - 'Tussenrapportage Giro555 voor Oekraïne: 183 miljoen opgehaald, meer dan helft besteed' (lien)

Civil Society

(n°A270) 10-03-2023 - 'Commission chair weighs in on charity campaigning discourse about refugees' (link)

(n°A271 08-03-2023 - 'Report provides recommendations for dismantling the patriarchy in fundraising (link)

(n°A272) 08-03-2023 - 'Fundraising Regulator sees increase in case ‘complexity’ and public awareness' (link)

(n°A273) 06-03-2023 - 'Major charity partners with TikTok LIVE in gifting campaign' (link)

(n°A274) 01-03-2023 - '£4.4bn growth forecast for Muslim aid charities ‘optimistic’, says umbrella body' (link)

UK Fundraising

(n°A275) 14-03-2023 - 'Evidence of benefits of unrestricted funding becoming hard to ignore, review finds' (link)

(n°A276) 07-03-2023 - 'Regulator sees 98% payment rate of annual Fundraising Levy' (link)

(n°A277) 02-03-2023 - 'Almost 40% of one-off donations now made by digital wallet' (link)

(n°A278) 01-03-2023 - 'Report urges funding model changes to help Scottish charities navigate challenges' (link)

Association Française des Fundraisers

(n°A279) 02-02-2023 - 'Doctolib : floutage des lignes entre Profit et Non profit ?
                       3 questions à Noémie Wiroth, consultante en prospective' (lien)

(n°A280) 02-02-2023 - 'Projet de recherche sur la philanthropie environnementale et climatique
                      3 questions à Anne Monier, chercheuse à la Chaire Philanthropie de l’Essec' (lien)

(n°A281) 16-02-2023 - 'La charte de déontologie du mécénat d’entreprise : un outil au service des mécènes et de l'intérêt général' (lien)

EFA - European Fundraising Association

(n°A282) 18-01-2023 - '2022 sets Austrian fundraising record; drop likely in 2023 (lien)

(n°A283) 22-02-2023 - 'Free resource launches to champion & inspire legacy fundraising' (lien)

(n°A284) 22-02-2023 - 'Germans donated around €5.7bn in 2022 despite economic challenges' (lien)

(n°A285) 14-02-2023 - '#FRO2023 conference to focus on digital fundraising' (lien)

(n°A286) 10-02-2023 - 'NGOs more trusted than media to deliver accurate information, says report' (lien)

(n°A287) 03-02-2023 - 'UK charities ‘cautiously optimistic’ about year ahead' (lien)

France Générosités

(n°A288) 14-02-2023 - '#3 L’intérêt général [Partie 2] – Podcast “Tout droit vers la générosité”' (lien)

Dikke Blauwe

(n°A289) 23-02-2023 - ''Effecten aftopping giftenaftrek te negatief' (lien)

Civil Society

(n°A290) 3-02-2023 - 'Potential for a huge amount of missed income’ in legacy giving, says Macmillan lead' (link)

(n°A291) 22-02-2023 - 'In-depth: Where are all the charity mergers?' (link)

(n°A292) 21-02-2023 - 'London Marathon charity rebrands' (link)

(n°A293) 14-02-2023 - 'Charity mergers slump after Covid year spike, report suggests (link)

(n°A294) 08-02-2023 - 'Sam Wait: Why has DEC’s Ukraine appeal been so successful?' (link)

(n°A295) 02-02-2023 - 'How charities are changing imagery to decolonise their work' (link)

UK Fundraising

(n°A296) 24-02-2023 - '1 in 8 more likely to leave gift in Will since pandemic' (link)

(n°A297) 21-02-2023 - 'Top tips for making the move to a CRM platform' (link)

(n°A298) 16-02-2023 - 'Sector initiative launches to champion legacy fundraising' (link)

(n°A299) 08-02-2023 - '5 key ways a CRM can help your nonprofit' (link)

(n°A300) 03-02-2023 - 'Philanthropy advising explored in new book' (link)

(n°A301) 02-02-2023 - 'Contactless donations revenues increase 95% YOY at Give A Little' (link)

EFA - European Fundraising Association

(n°A302) 18-01-2023 - '2022 saw more donors but fewer regular donations in Spain' (lien)

(n°A303) 18-01-2023 - 'Nonprofit Pulse reveals nonprofits transforming fundraising & service delivery to survive ongoing crisis conditions' (lien)

(n°A304) 13-01-2023 - 'EFA forms Public Affairs Working Group' (lien)

(n°A305) 10-01-2023 - 'Italian donations drop but sector is strong, study says' (lien)

(n°A306) 08-01-2023 - 'Dutch companies increased support for charities during corona crisis' (lien)

France Générosités

(n°A307) 26-01-2023 - 'Un site Internet pour la Coordination Nationale du Face à Face (CNFF)' (link)

(n°A308) 16-01-2023 - 'Le don est-il vecteur de cohésion sociale ? – ITW de Jérôme Fourquet de l’IFOP' (replay de l'audio) (link)

(n°A309) 12-01-2023 - 'Quand contrôle des dons des particuliers rime avec contrôle des associations…' (link)

(n°A310) 03-01-2023 - 'Suspension des réductions fiscales pour les dons aux associations commettant des infractions' (link)

Association Française des Fundraisers

(n°A311) 18-01-2023 - 'Télémarketing : trois questions à Jean-Pierre Godard, président du Groupe Fidelis' (lien)

(n°A312) 04-01-2023 - 'La Veille de l’AFF du 05 janvier 2023 : mécénat d'entreprises, baisse de 9% du nombre de donateurs en France depuis dix ans, etc.' (lien)

(n°A313) 04-01-2023 - '3 questions à Jonathan Hude-Dufossé, président de l'AFF : bilan 2022, grands enjeux du fundraising pour 2023' (lien)

Vakblad Fondsenwerving
(n°A314) 26-01-2023 - 'Dataminimalisatie niet door alle goede doelen in Nederland toegepast' (link)

(n°A315) 19-01-2023 - EFA en Salesforce: Europese non-profits passen werkwijze aan door levenskostencrisis (lien)

(n°A316) 09-01-2023 - NDP: Donateursvertrouwen duikelt verder, ruim één op de tien geeft deel energiecompensatie weg (lien)

(n°A317) 22-12-2022 - Helft Britse non-profits bang om te vallen door kostencrisis in het Verenigd Koninkrijk (lien)

De Dikke Blauwe

(n°A318) 19-01-2023 - 'Veel animo voor campagne Oxfam Novib : eerste rijken zwichten in strijd tegen ongelijkheid' (lien)

(n°A319) 10-01-2023 - Beter geven krijgt langzaam gestalte (lien)

(n°A320) 06-01-2023 - Armoede baart donateurs zorgen : 1 op 3 denkt aan bezuinigen op goede doelen (lien)

(n°A321) 05-01-2023 - CBF wil vriendelijke waakhond zijn. Directeur/bestuurder Kloeze over vernieuwingsagenda (lien)

(n°A322) 03-01-2023 - Samenwerkende Brancheorganisaties in de Filantropie zetten vol in op versterking sector (lien)

(n°A323) 22-12-2022 - Sporadisch geefgedrag jongeren gevaar goede doelen (lien)

(n°A324) 22-12-2022 - Werving voor preventie - moeizame opdracht? (lien)

(nA°325) 08-12-2022 - Evaluatie Telecommunicatiewet : klanttermijn van 3 jaar werkt goed (lien)

(n°A326) 08-12-2022 - Goede Doelen Nederland : feiten en cijfers goede doelen 2021 (lien)

Civil Society

(n°A327) 27-01-2023 - 'Film criticising charity and private sector ‘double standards’ announced' (link)

(n°A328) 26-01-2023 - 'Shift from local to national charity registrations over past decade, figures show' (link)

(nA°329) 24-01-2023 - 'Regulator ‘captured’ by anti-campaigning government agenda, says charity CEO' (link)

(n°A330) 20-01-2023 - 'Jim Kane: ‘Care charities are facing an exodus of skills’ (link)

(n°A331) 19-01-2023 - 'Public expectations of charity efficiency set to increase, Commission chair warns' (link)

(n°A332) 17-01-2023 - 'Concerns shared as regulator publishes social media guidance for trustees' (link)

(n°A333) 10-01-2023 - 'Treasury announces reduced energy bills support for charities' (link)

(n°A334) 06-01-2023 - 'Number of new charities drops to 33-year low as regulator ‘strengthens’ approach' (link)

(n°A335) 06-01-2023 - 'Regulator offers guidance to trustees of charities hit by cost-of-living crisis' (link)

(n°A336) 03-01-2023 - 'Record £590m raised through JustGiving in 2022' (link)

UK Fundraising

(n°A337) 30-01-2023 - 'How to make the most of your charitable giving in your self-assessment: CAF shares advice' (link)

(n°A338) 30-01-2023 - 'Pledged legacy donations to homelessness & housing charities up 75% YOY' (link)

(n°A339) 26-01-2023 - '2022 saw charities receive highest number of bequests on record' (lien)

(n°A340) 24-01-2023 - 'Dan Pallotta to release Uncharitable film this Spring' (lien)

(n°A341) 24-01-2023 - 'Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential' (lien)

(n°A342) 24-01-2023 - 'Charity membership remains steady at around a fifth of UK adults' (lien)

(n°A343) 18-01-2023 - 'European nonprofits increase focus on fundraising as crisis conditions continue' (lien)

(n°A344) 16-01-2023 - 'Legacy Futures launches bursary scheme' (lien)

(n°A345) 13-01-2023 - 'Free cyber security support for small charities' (lien)

(n°A346) 11-01-2023 - 'Sight loss charities announce merger' (lien)

(n°A347) 10-01-2023 - 'New Energy Bill Discount Scheme lacks sufficient support for charities, sector leaders warn' (lien)

(n°A348) 10-01-2023 - 'LSE launches £50mn accelerator for ‘social unicorns' (lien)

(n°A349) 05-01-2023 - 'Programme of free webinars on charity finance announced' (lien)

(n°A350) 02-01-2023 - 'MuslimGiving introduces zero platform fees' (lien)

More articles related to legacy promotion in Europe

-> link

Fundraising in Europe : press review 2024 -> link


3. October-December 2022

22-12-2022 Goede Doelen Nederland - 'Moties Eerste Kamer over beperking giftenaftrek' (link)

22-12-2022 Goede Doelen Nederland - 'Ministerie erkent nu ook bezwaren sector de-risking door banken' (link)

22-12-2023 UK Fundraising - 'Charity Christmas appeal films – part 3' (lien)

20-12-2022 France Générosités - 'Consultation pour simplifier la vie des associations' (link)

20-12-2022 UK Fundraising - Almost 4mn less gave to charity in November (link)

16-12-2022 AFF (Association Française des Fundraisers) - La veille de l'AFF de novembre (link) et de décembre 2022 (link)

15-12-2022 AFF (Association Française des Fundraisers) - Téléthon - Claire Schiller-Heuze, directrice du marketing et du développement des ressources à l’AFM Telethon répond à trois questions (link)

15-12-2022 UK Fundraising - Who’ll be Christmas No.1? Charity Christmas singles of 2022 (link)

15-12-2022 UK Fundraising - Recruitment & retention one of top 3 keeping charity leaders awake at night (link)

13-12-2022 France Générosités - 'Le don pour les nouvelles générations : Interview de Charlène Petit' (link)

09-12-2022 UK Fundraising - Newspaper Christmas appeals – who’s supporting who in 2022 (link)

08-12-2022 AFF (Association Française des Fundraisers) Giving Tuesday (France) - Bilan (link) & '10 ans de célébration de la générosité avec vous !' (link)

08-12-2022 UK Fundraising - Charity Christmas appeal films – part 1 (link) & part 2 (link)

08-12-2022 UK Fundraising - Fundraising Badge gives public confidence in offering support (link)

07-12-2022 EFA - Amplifying impact on a national & EU level – highlights from EFA’s Skillshare (link)

07-12-2022 EFA - Patrick Gibbels: Crunch time for e-Privacy (link)

02-12-2022 UK Fundraising - Regulators join forces to help people give safely this Christmas (link)

22-12-2022 Vakblad Fondsenwerving - Helft Britse non-profits bang om te vallen door kostencrisis in het Verenigd Koninkrijk (link)

De Dikke Blauwe - Sporadisch geefgedrag jongeren gevaar goede doelen (link)

De Dikke Blauwe - Werving voor preventie - moeizame opdracht? Preventie en fondsenwerving zijn wel degelijk te verbinden (link)

De Dikke Blauwe - Feiten en cijfers goede doelen 2021 (link)

Goede Doelen Nederland - Dossier 'Feiten en cijfers goede doelen 2021' (link)

De Dikke Blauwe - Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs : Kabinet schetst verkeerd beeld giften ANBI’s (link)

08-12-2022 Civil Society - charity fraud perpetrated by staff or volunteers, report suggests (link)

07-12-2022 Civil Society - Orlando Fraser urges charities to ‘overcome squeamishness’ around large donations (link)

06-12-2022 Civil Society - Big Give Christmas Challenge raises record amount for over 1,000 charities (link)

05-12-2022 Civil Society - A third of people in the UK and Ireland are likely to cut down the amount they give to charity (link)

06-12-2022 Civil Society - Charity fraud losses up 44% in 2022, data shows (link)

02-12-2022 UKFundraising - Regulators join forces to help people give safely this Christmas (link)

01-12-2022 UKFundraising - Charity Christmas appeal films – part 1 (link)

01-12-2022 EFA - Cost of living sees more than half of UK charities worried about survival (link)

01-12-2022 Vakblad Fondsenwerving - Goede Doelen Nederland past per 1 december 2022 governance structuur aan (link)



29-11-2022 Civil Society - Third of consumers may cut charity donations over festive period, research says (link)

29-11-2022 Vakblad Fondsenwerving - De vierde editie van GivingTuesday in Nederland (link)

29-11-2022 UKFundraising - How charities & businesses are using GivingTuesday – the round up (link)

29-11-2022 Goede Doelen Nederland - 'Beperking giftenaftrek' (link)

28-11-2022 EFA - Cap for donor tax relief will harm giving, say Netherlands charities (link)

28-11-2022 UK Fundraising - Annual Effective Giving Day takes place (link)

25-11-2022 UKFundraising - Charities at risk mean communities at risk, sector warns government over energy bills (link)

24-11-2022 Vakblad Fondsenwerving - ‘Donateurs moeten beslissen hoe donateurgericht goede doelen werken’ (link)

23-11-2022 Civil Society - Micro charities to be exempt from Northern Ireland register (link)

22-11-2022 France Générosités - 'Succès de notre colloque 2022 : mais pourquoi ?' (link)

14-11-2022 UKFundraising - Gen Z most likely to volunteer, Oxfam survey suggests (link)

10-11-2022 Vakblad Fondsenwerving - Nalatenschappen - topinkomsten in 2021, groeiverwachting blijft positief (link)

09-11-2022 UKFundraising - 10 benchmarking reports & programmes to help your fundraising (link)

09-11-2022 EFA - Austria to see legacy income exceed €100mn for the first time this year (link)

07-11-2022 UKFundraising - Legacy consideration drops 3% but 1 in 4 still planning a gift in their will (link)

02-11-2022 EFA - UK legacy income expected to remain resilient despite economic crisis (link)

01-11-2022 Vakblad Fondsenwerving - Hoe bind je goede fondsenwervers aan je organisatie? (link)

01-11-2022 Fondsenwerving.NL - Een volledig online jaarverslag - duurzaam en makkelijk (link)

01-11-2022 UKFundraising - Charity legacy income expected to remain resilient despite economic crisis (link)

15-10-2022 France Générosités - 'Collecter des dons pour des causes impopulaires – podcast' (link)

2022 (oct-nov) -  Goede Doelen Nederland - Goede doelen roepen kabinet op de beperking giftenaftrek te herzien (link)
                            Fondsenwerving.NL - Plannen voor maximalisatie giftenaftrek zorgt voor verbazing bij branche (link)

2022 (oct.-nov.) De Dikke Blauwe - Arjen van Ketel: SEPA en Natuurbegraven (legaten) (link)

2022 (oct.-nov.) De Dikke Blauwe - Kosten werving: Margreet Plug en Coen Abbenhuis leggen het nog een keer uit (link)

2022 (oct.-nov.) De Dikke Blauwe - CBF werkt aan nieuwe normstelling donatieplatforms (link)

2022 (oct.-nov.) De Dikke Blauwe - Legacy Monitor: Topinkomsten in 2021, groeiverwachting blijft positief (link)

2022 (oct.-nov.) De Dikke Blauwe - Sponsoring goede doelen levert meeste imagowinst (link)


31-10-2022 EFA - 20% of French donors expect to give less at year end (link)

31-10-2022 Fondsenwerving.NL - Goede doelen ontvangen energietoeslag van mensen die compensatie niet nodig hebben (link)

25-10-2022 Fondsenwerving.NL - Opbrengst landelijke actie voor Oekraïne naar 175 miljoen, 62 miljoen besteed (link)

25-10-2022 UKFundraising - Search reveals what makes fundraisers tick (link)

24-10-2022 - AFF (Association française des fundraisers) - Mécénat : revue de détail (link)

20-10-2022 - AFF (Association française des fundraisers) - Panorama 2022 des fondations et des fonds de dotation créés par des entreprises mécénes (link)

20-10-2022 UKFundraising - Proportion of charities seeing income increase continues to drop (link)

19-10-2022 UKFundraising - Fundraising complaints rise but remain lower than pre-pandemic levels (link)

19-10-2022 Fondsenwerving.NL - Zweedse fondsenwervingsvereniging maakt richtlijn voor ethisch gebruik foto’s kinderen (link)

13-10-2022 UKFundraising - Digitisation of donations means young people now most likely to give (link)

12-10-2022 EFA - New survey reveals limited but ‘not surprising’ drop in Dutch donations (link)

12-10-2022 EFA - Simona Biancu: Bridging the gap between fundraising researchers & practitioners (link)

12-10-2022 EFA - IPFC: Face-to-face regulators join forces in new international network (link)

05-10-2022 Fondsenwerving.NL - Rode Kruis stopt met huis-aan-huiscollecte (link)

05-10-2022 EFA - Ukraine and the Netherlands are Europe’s most generous countries (link)

04-10-2022 Goede Doelen Nederland - Plannen voor maximalisatie giftenaftrek zorgt voor verbazing bij branche (link)

03-10-2022 France Générosités - 'Vos Dons Agissent 2022 – Campagne Infodon' (link)

27-09-2022 Goede Doelen Nederland - Goede doelen verwachten (en zien soms al) inkomstendaling als gevolg koopkrachtvermindering (link)
14-09-2022 EFA - International Legacy Giving Day sees raft of activity across Europe (link)

13/10/2022 - Dikke Blauwe - 'Disruptie - Nederland zakt maar vertrouwen goede doelen stijgt' (link)

13/10/2022 - Dikke Blauwe - 'Sponsoring goede doelen levert meeste imagowinst' (link)

13/10/2022 - Dikke Blauwe - 'Erkenning goede doelen hoog, vertrouwen in media daalt' (link)

13/10/2022 - Dikke Blauwe - 'Relatie filantropie en onderzoek versterken' (link)

12/10/2022 - EFA - 'New survey reveals limited but ‘not surprising’ drop in Dutch donations' (link)

12/10/2022 - EFA - 'IPFC: Face-to-face regulators join forces in new international network' (link)

05/10/2022 - EFA - 'Ukraine and the Netherlands are Europe’s most generous countries' (link)

03/10/2022 - Vakblad Fondsenwerving - 'Vier Europese trends in engagement en donateursretentie' (link)



26/09/2022 - Fondsenwerving.NL - 'Ook HandicapNL schakelt over naar QR-collecte' (link)

26/09/2022 - ALTERIADE - 'Le patrimoine des baby-boomers - une réserve de générosité à venir' (link)

19/09/2022 - Fondsenwerving.NL - 'Consumentenbond- ‘Goede doelen maken online opzeggen makkelijker’ (link)

14/09/2022 - EFA - 'International Legacy Giving Day sees raft of activity across Europe' (link)

14/09/2022 - EFA - 'Anna Turner: Harnessing the power of digital for legacy fundraising' (link)

14/09/2022 - EFA - 'Elly Lont: How joint legacy campaigns can change the world' (link)


January-June 2022

New guidance published on ethical portrayal of children in fundraising

Swedish fundraising association Giva Sverige has published new guidance for civil society organisations on the ethical use of images of children for fundraising purposes.
Developed with War Child and SOS Children’s Villages, the guidance is based on discussions with other child-focused nonprofits including Clowns without Borders, Plan Sweden, and Save the Children. 
in EFA News 10-08-2022 (link)
Donor expectations prompt under-investment in German nonprofits
Civil society organisations (CSOs) in Germany are deliberately reducing investment in internal infrastructure, training and other processes because of the “unrealistic expectations” of some donors, a new report highlights.
in EFA News 30-08-2022 (link)
U.K. - Gift Aid Awareness Day returns on 6 October
Gift Aid Awareness Day is back on 6 October, with charities invited to join the campaign.
Every October since 2018, UK charities have taken to social media for one day to share the #TickTheBox message with supporters and more widely, as well as sharing the message in other ways.
Gift Aid Awareness Day is organised by Charity Finance Group (CFG). 
in: 09-08-2022 (link)
Commission clarifies charities’ responsibilities in dealing with bullying & harassment.
The Charity Commission expects charities to have clear policies on bullying and for trustees to handle allegations appropriately.
in: 12-08-2022 (link)
The Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) Afghanistan Crisis Appeal has raised £50 million since its December launch, it has announced. The total includes £10 million matched by the UK Government. 
The appeal raised £26mn of the amount in its first two weeks. 
in: 15-08-2022 (link)
Video campaign launches ahead of Remember A Charity Week
Remember A Charity has launched an emotive video ahead of September’s Remember A Charity Week, to celebrate the sector’s collaboration to grow the legacy market and help charities open up conversation with supporters around legacy giving.
The video is being shared via Remember A Charity’s social channels, and is designed for the charity members of the group to share with their supporters, to spread the word about legacy giving.
in: in: 22-08-2022 (link)
U.K. - Charity income was up 6% in January-June 2022 
While overall, charity income was up 6% in January-June 2022 compared to the same period last year, income growth has mostly come from increased community fundraising, and high-value giving associated with Ukraine emergency appeals, according to data from Wood for Trees.
Outside of this, its research suggests that donation value has fallen, particularly with one-off donations, although these are still above 2019 levels.
in: 23-08-2022 (link)

nederland: 3FM Serious Request meeste merkkracht
Het Goede-Doelen-Merkenonderzoek monitort al ruim 10 jaar de reputatie en groeipotentie van alle organisaties die actief zijn in de Nederlandse goededoelensector.
Nederland - Goede doelen met de grootste merkkrachtstijging* in de periode 2020-2022
1. 3FM Serious Request
2. Het Vergeten Kind
3. Hersenstichting
4. Vogelbescherming Nederland
5. Save the Children
6. Stichting Opkikker
7. Cordaid
8. Grote Clubactie
9. Stichting ALS Nederland
10. Amref Flying Doctors
in: de Dikke Blauwe (mei 2022) (link)

We thank our partners



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